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Monday, September 15, 2014

5 Tips...5 Pounds

5 Tips to Lose Those Last 5 Pounds

5 Tips to Lose Those Last 5 Pounds

Losing those last five pounds can be the hardest part of your weight loss journey. Here are five tips to get those last five pounds off for good!

1. Practice Portion Control
Over the years, portions have become supersized. Larger serving sizes make it easy to consume excess calories, even when it comes to healthy foods. Eat smaller portion sizes by remembering these helpful tips: a serving of meat should be no larger than the palm of your hand or deck of cards. When you decide to snack, don't eat out of the package or bag. When you’re dining out, ask for a to-go box and put half of your meal in the box to eat for lunch the next day.

2. Lose “Low-Fat”
The “low-fat” label can be a dieter's worst trap!. To improve flavor, manufacturers tend to add more sugar, flour and thickeners to fat-free products, which boost calorie content. The fats in these foods are replaced with low-performing white carbs. These carbs are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. This causes the classic sugar high and crash followed by a hunger rebound.

3. Boost your metabolism
Here are three “power pills” that will kick start your metabolism: Fucoxanthin is a compound derived from edible seaweed, and has been shown in studies to burn stubborn belly fat. Sacha Inchi is derived from a nut grown in the Andes mountains and rainforests of Peru. It’s loaded with vitamin E, omega-3s, and anti-inflammatory properties that attack belly fat. L-arginine, a supplement available online or at drugstores, rounds out the metabolism power pack. Studies show L-arginine, when combined with exercise, helps restore the hormonal balance that promotes lean muscle mass.
Add Protein and Greens
Digesting high-fiber foods can kill cravings for unhealthy foods. Your body burns twice as many calories when it digests protein as compared to carbs. Add more protein to your diet with two fish-based meals per week.
Spice It Up
Capsaicin makes food spicy hot and doubles your body’s energy expenditure. Try red peppers, cayenne,jalapenos, habaneros, and tabasco in your cooking. Ginger is also another good addition. It not only aids in digestion but increases body temperature and metabolic rates as much as 20% after eating.

4. Cut Out Soda
The average American drinks 53 gallons of soda a year; if it's regular soda, that comes to about 49 pounds of sugar. Soda is loaded with caffeine, high-fructose corn syrup and calories. With this, soda adds to weight gain, increases your risk for diabetes, weakens bones, and tooth decay.Additionally, the carbonation in soda cause air bubbles to form and expand in your abdomen. When they burst, carbon dioxide gas dispersed in the stomach, which can cause excess bloating.

5. Drink More Water
We all know that water is healthy, but what you may not know is that it could help you shed excess pounds. Each day, drink enough water so that your urine is clear. A recent study showed that your metabolic rate jumps within 10 minutes of drinking ice-cold water, and it stays up for an additional half-hour after you drink it. Research has also found that drinking an average of 6.5 cups of water per day helped people consume 200 less calories a day.

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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

In this Corner....

Low Carb vs. Low Fat: Which is better?

Turn on the TV or pick up a magazine. You cannot help but read or hear a report on the latest weight loss craze. The latest opponents to face off are low fat vs. low carb diets. It reminds you of the old light beer commercial. Where half the room yells …”Less filling”...And the other half yell back  ...”tastes great”.
So if you want to lose weight AND reduce your risk factors for heart disease, should you go low-carbs or low-fat?
A new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine included 148 men and women who showed no clinical signs of cardiovascular disease or diabetes. They were assigned to follow either a low-carbohydrate or a low-fat diet. All were given dietary counseling, but had no set calorie goals and were asked not to change their physical activity levels.
After one year, the people on the low-carbohydrate diet lost more weight and had greater decreases in fat mass and other cardiovascular risk factors than those on the low-fat regimen. Reductions in LDL or bad cholesterol were similar in both groups. But HDL or good cholesterol levels increased more in those following the low-carb diet.
Overall, participants who went low-carb had significant decreases in their estimated 10-year risk for coronary heart disease while those eating low-fat did not.

The researchers say while there have been questions about the effects of a low-carb diet on the heart their findings show restricting carbohydrates may be an option for weight loss and cutting cardiovascular risk factors.

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Monday, August 4, 2014

You say Too-MAY-to, I say Ta-MUH-to...

Once considered a deadly fruit, this  member of the nightshade family has many health benefits. The tomato is the primary dietary source for lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant which purportedly fights the free radicals that can interfere with normal cell growth and activity. These free radicals can potentially lead to cancer, heart disease and premature aging. A study at Johns Hopkins found that increased intake of lycopene, just 2 servings per day, is linked to  lower risks of cardiovascular disease.  A far cry from just 400 years ago when the tomato was feared and known as the wolf's peach.

Tomatoes are also high in vitamin C and contain good amounts of potassium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin A and vitamin B. 

As a source of fiber, one medium tomato will equal one slice of whole wheat bread for only 35 calories. 

Big boy, heirloom or beefsteak- Grilled or chilled.. lets celebrate these Jersey  beauties!! 

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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Positive effects of Ginger......

Ginger, the slang for those cute little auburn headed children running through the yard? A sultry red head from Gilligan’s Island, or a versatile plant with surprising health benefits. While all are correct, I am going to concentrate on the plant.   This Southeast Asian plant, which resembles bamboo in appearance, is a fragrant spice made from the rhizome or root of the plant. It can be chopped or powdered for cooking, preserved in syrup, or candied. My personal favorite is sliced thinly on sushi.  Ginger is also used in drinks like tea, beer, or ale. Who hasn’t stirred the bubbles from a glass of ginger ale when they are feeling sick?  For over 2000 years, Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine has recommended the use of ginger to help cure and prevent a number of health problems. It can be used to make foods spicy or as a food preservative. It is also known to promote energy circulation in the body thus increasing our body’s metabolic rate.  Below is a list of the top benefits of Ginger.

Yours in Health –Dr. Daniel DePrince
Lori Shiles

The Benefits of Ginger
  • ·         Maintains Normal Blood Circulation. Ginger contains chromium, magnesium and zinc which can help to improve blood flow, as well as help prevent chills, fever, and excessive sweat.

·         Remedies Motion Sickness. Ginger is a known effective remedy for the nausea associated with motion sickness. A study by Danish scientists looked at 80 naval cadets prone to seasickness and found that those given one gram of ginger powder suffered less in a four-hour period then those given a placebo.  Precisely how ginger works is unclear, but at least one study suggested that one of its active compounds, 6-gingerol, enhances “gastrointestinal transport.”

·         Improves absorption. Ginger improves the absorption and stimulation of essential nutrients in the body. It does this by stimulating gastric and pancreatic enzyme secretion.

·         Cold and Flu Prevention. Ginger has been used for thousands of years as a natural treatment for colds and flu around Asia. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that to treat cold and flu symptoms in adults, steep 2 tbsp. of freshly shredded or chopped ginger root in hot water, two to three times a day
 ·         Combats Stomach Discomfort and Nausea.  Ginger is ideal in assisting digestion, thereby improving food absorption and avoiding possible stomach ache.  Ginger has demonstrated a success rate of 75 percent in curing stomach flu and morning sickness.
 ·         Colon Cancer Prevention. A study at the University of Minnesota found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

 ·         Reduce Pain and Inflammation. Ginger contains some of the most potent anti-inflammatory fighting substances known and is a natural powerful painkiller. Ginger appears to reduce inflammation in a similar way to aspirin and ibuprofen.

·         Fights Common Respiratory Problems. If you’re suffering from common respiratory diseases such as a cough, ginger aids in expanding your lungs and loosening up phlegm because it is a natural expectorant that breaks down and removes mucus.. That way you can quickly recover from difficulty in breathing.

·         Ovarian Cancer Treatment. Ginger powder induces cell death in ovarian cancer cells.

·         Strengthens Immunity.  Ginger helps improve the immune system. Consuming a little bit ginger a day can help foil potential risk of a stroke by inhibiting fatty deposits from the arteries. It also decreases bacterial infections in the stomach, and helps battle a bad cough and throat irritation.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Try these tips and avoid emotional eating...

Emotional eating is a common solution for many people during times of stress, depression, anxiety, and several other emotions.  However, it isn't going to help you deal with your emotions and it isn't going to help you achieve your weight loss goals.  Food really shouldn't be your escape from your emotions.  It doesn't alleviate the emotions or solve any problems, it just becomes an instant and momentary satisfaction that leads to more guilt.  Instead of becoming a victim to your emotions try these emotional eating alternatives.       Medical-weight-loss-doctor-ny
Exercise is a great emotional eating alternative.  Just a little exercise can increase your overall health and your sense of well-being.  It also causes a release of endorphins which are the brain’s feel good neurotransmitters.  This release of endorphins ultimately makes you feel better.
Since a hobby is something that is undertaken for pleasure and relaxation it is great way to distract yourself from your problems or emotions and avoid emotional eating.  In most cases, hobbies give you the opportunity to create new projects and try new things and this can leave you feeling fulfilled. 
Writing is one of the simplest forms of expression.  This is an excellent emotional eating alternative because it allows you to express your feelings and work through them but it can also be a great way to take your mind of off your feelings and get creative in other ways. 
Spend time with your family or a close friend.  Simply sharing your emotions or taking the time to vent about your day can have a beneficial impact on your mood.  These are people who will be there for you no matter what and are great for listening and sharing in whatever is troubling you.  That support system is great at helping to alleviate the feelings. 
Give Yourself a Massage
Intentionally massaging tense areas can ease the tension but it will also release chemicals in your body that will help you feel better.
Drink some Tea
Black tea can reduce your cortisol levels which will reduce your cravings and help to ease your stress. 
Try chewing on a piece of gum or a straw.  Chewing on something before you eat will significantly reduce your appetite. 
Trying these emotional eating alternatives should help you skip the emotional eating and stick to your weight loss plan. 

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Friday, July 11, 2014


Quite recently there has been a renewed interest in the HCG diet. You may have heard of this "new" diet craze where women and men are injecting themselves with HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin hormone. Yes, you are correct; HCG is the hormone that is found in pregnant women. So why would you knowingly inject this pregnancy hormone into your body.  And how does that help you lose weight?  Dr. Daniel DePrince of Timeless Anti Aging in Moorestown, NJ helps clear up some common HCG myths and misconceptions.

1.   HCG is just the latest diet fad to hit to become popular.
The HCG Diet was initially created by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons, in the 1950’s and outlined in his original manuscript, "Pounds and Inches:  A Guide to Weight Loss."  This plan was intended for seriously obese individuals already at high risk for serious health issues because of their weight.  Over time, the diet has been modified by individual physicians and nutritionists to meet the needs of today and to include what we now know about health and weight loss.  This has resulted in an entirely new approach to the original protocol, focused on getting people truly healthy, and not just thin.  After all, it's not about being skinny, it's about being healthy! 

2. You don’t really have to follow the diet, you can still lose weight by just giving yourself injections.
Fact: Your body needs to think it is in “starvation mode” in order for the HCG to release your stored fats to live on. Many people have “cheated” and still lost weight, but those getting the best, long-term results are the ones who follow the protocol exactly.

3. You can’t eat late at night while on HCG.
Fact: WHAT you eat matters much more than WHEN you eat. Following the protocol and making sure you are eating enough protein and nutrient-rich vegetables are the most important ways to ensure you are losing fat, not muscle.

4. Cosmetics, oils and body creams keep you from losing weight while on the diet.
Fact: When Dr. Simeons pioneered the HCG diet in the 1950s, nutritional research was in an infancy state. While he was right about a lot of things, his belief that cosmetics, oils and body creams prevented weight loss while on HCG has been proven false by decades of further research and understanding. Yes, ladies, you can continue to use cosmetics while on HCG.

5. You cannot exercise while on HCG.
Fact: The HCG diet is considered “exercise neutral,” meaning that people lose weight whether they exercise or not. Although we don’t recommend that you start a new, intense exercise regimen while on the diet, most people are able to do whatever activities they have energy for and feel good doing. If your body is used to daily workouts, keep them up!

6. Anyone can lose weight eating only 500 calories a day. You don’t need the injections.
Fact: If you go on a very low calorie diet without HCG,  and your body goes into “starvation mode” your metabolism slows down. In this mode, your body is programmed to store fat instead of burning it, in order to create reserves to make it throughout the period of starvation. Then when the diet ends, the body will store even more fat as normal calorie consumption begins, to prepare for the next possible period of starvation. This is the common cycle people tend to fall into when dieting, and this is the reason they never keep weight off. With HCG in your system, your body is stimulated to burn fat during the low calorie period, so it does not fall into the cycle of storing fat as reserves, and your metabolism continues to stay high since your body is working to burn that fat. This will keep you from storing unwanted fat during the diet, and from having a rebound weight gain after the diet has ended.

7. You can order the HCG drops online and don’t need medical supervision to follow the diet.
Fact: The highest quality and concentration of HCG is not available without a prescription so if you order the drops online, you’re getting a diluted and possibly low quality form of HCG. Studies have found that injections work better than the drops because injection clients are less hungry and more regimented about follow-through. It’s important that you follow the diet under medical supervision so that a doctor can monitor your progress and ensure that you are losing fat not muscle. The diet itself can be a challenge for some patients and with medical supervision and support, you are more likely to lose the desired amount of weight and keep it off.

Remember there is no magic pill or easy way to get the figure you want.  The work you put into losing weight will reflect itself in the mirror and on the scale. Always follow a weight loss phase with stabilization and maintenance this will keep the weight off, not just for a brief time but for a lifetime.

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Friday, June 6, 2014

Bio-Identical Hormones: Naturally Restoring Lost Youth

We all reach a certain point in our lives when our bodies aren't performing like they used to. It becomes harder to concentrate, you start feeling more fatigued throughout the day, you experience weight gain and even a low libido.

Don't be discouraged if traditional medicine and family doctors have failed you. Timeless Anti-Aging has the answer your body has been searching for!

No other form of medical treatment will compare to the results you will see with bio-identical hormones and a customized wellness plan. Our treatments don't just mask the problem like many others do – instead, the approach we take is both scientific and individualized. We find the root of your problems and take the proper measures to fully restore all the missing pieces.

Rejuvenate Yourself with Hormone Replacement

With bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, you can become the "you" you once were. Other health problems, such as wrinkling of the skin, thinning hair and hair loss, or loss of muscle and tone will no longer be a problem. The hormones that have been depleted by age will be restored and replenished so you can get back to feeling young again!